How Traditional Portland Cement is Made

How NU Green Cement is Made

The Manufacturing Process
NU Green in Detail
A Manufacturing Process Aligned with the Circular Economy
NU GREEN is transforming cement production by implementing a process that embodies the principles of the circular economy. We recover and utilize co-products from the industry and construction sectors, redirecting them to our production plant:
Blast Furnace Slag: Sourced from the metallurgical and steel industries, providing a sustainable alternative to traditional cement components.
Flash Clay: A by-product derived from clay sludge, offering an innovative use of this material.
Gypsum/Desulfogypsum: Produced from excavated construction site materials, reducing waste and contributing to our eco-friendly approach.
Cold Manufacturing: A Clean and Revolutionary Process
NU GREEN has pioneered a technological breakthrough by altering the composition of cement, eliminating the need for clinker—the primary source of CO2 emissions in conventional cement production. Our innovative process involves a cold and clean manufacturing method that bypasses the firing of raw materials.
Our cement production is centred on the systematic use of abundant co-products as substitutes for natural resources. This innovation allows us to produce a carbon-free cement with 0% clinker while preserving natural resources and avoiding the use of quarries. By eliminating the firing process, we significantly reduce the carbon footprint of NU GREEN cements compared to traditional manufacturing methods.
Adjuvating and Mixing: These processes are integral to our industrial approach, ensuring the quality and performance of our cements. After mixing, the cement is packaged (in bulk, big bags, or smaller bags) and shipped to site areas through optimized transportation.
Cements Serving Three Main Markets
Moving beyond the image of traditional cement factories, NU GREEN’s industrial model allows our plants—free from kilns and chimneys—to be located near urban areas with major construction projects.
NU GREEN cements cater to three primary markets:
Precast Concrete: For the prefabrication of concrete products, assembled and delivered to their final locations.
Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC): Prepared at our factory concrete plants and transported to construction sites in mixer trucks.
Cement Bags: Distributed for both professional and public use, our cement bags will soon be available through 5,500 distribution points in France.